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What Is Released Time?


Released Time is how public school students can spend part of their school day studying the Bible not just academically, but devotionally. It is the only legal means to teach the Bible's content and life-application in the time between the first and last bell.

Our program brings hope to youth. Too many of our nation’s children and young adults have never been to church, much less read the Bible. But things can be different in the communities that we serve. School Ministries of Spartanburg County serves to educate, equip and encourage by bringing together Christian leaders and volunteers to offer the option of Released Time Bible Education to public school students.


Research outlined in Hardwired to Connect shows that Released Time Bible Education students perform better both academically and behaviorally.

Is Released Time Legal?

The term "Released Time" comes from the idea that children are released from school during the school day for religious instruction. In 1952, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Released Time programs as constitutionally legal in all 50 states (Zorach v. Clauson).  However, while Released Time is constitutional, it is not a constitutional right.  In other words, unless your state has a law requiring schools to dismiss students for Released Time, you cannot force your school district to release students for a Released Time Program. For state-specific legal information, visit

There are three requirements for a Released Time Bible Education program to be legal:

  1.    Instruction takes place off school grounds;

  2.    Students' attendance is voluntary and with parental permission; and

  3.    No state or federal resources (taxpayer funds) are used. Released Time is       privately funded - by churches, community organizations, and/or          



School Ministries of Spartanburg County meets all three of the requirements to be a legal Released Time Bible Education program. 

Released Time FAQ

Do these classes violate the principle of the “separation of church and state?”

No. Released Time classes honor the concept of “separation of church and state” by following constitutional mandates established by The U.S. Supreme Court and lower federal and state courts. The constitutionality of Released Time was recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1952 and upheld since then as an expression of our right to the “free exercise of religion” protected by the First Amendment. Prominent voices across America’s ideological and theological spectrum agree on the constitutionality of Released Time. See content and signatories to "Joint Statement of Current Law on Religion and the Public Schools”.


Do Released Time classes interfere with the school day?

No. Released Time classes do not interfere with your child’s mandatory school courses or afterschool activities. The class schedule is set by school personnel in consultation with School Ministries of Spartanburg County staff. Usually, the Released Time classes are scheduled for times when other electives are offered.


What are the requirements for my child to attend a Released Time program?

The program is FREE! Parents or guardians are required to sign permission forms provided by School Ministries of Spartanburg County.


Are Released Time Bible Education classes held on school grounds?

No. Released Time classes are held off school campus in a nearby host church classroom.  Insured transportation is provided by School Ministries of Spartanburg County, or by the host church.


What are some of the benefits of Released Time to students?

Research documented in Hardwired to Connect has verified that youth who regularly participate in religious activities like School Ministries of Spartanburg County Released Time more often experience success in all aspects of school and the community, including:

  • Improved involvement and development in school and the community;

  • Improved relationships with family and friends;

  • Stronger self-confidence and regard for others;

  • Reduction in risk-taking behavior;

  • Positive coping skills for a variety of life situations, and

  • A greater connection to God, leading to a stronger understanding of life and a greater self-purpose.

Have more questions?

Please feel free to contact us by the form at the bottom of this page or on our Contact Us page.

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Mailing Address:

PO Box 160511 Boiling Springs, SC 29316


© Copyright 2023

School Ministries of Spartanburg County

Thanks for contacting us!


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